Recycling: Putting An End To Junk Mail

Recycling: Putting An End To Junk Mail

  In an average week how much junk mail comes to your home? For the average American family, with two adults and two children, they could probably weigh…

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Recycling At An Annual Festival

Recycling At An Annual Festival

  For the past 25 years the city of Frederick, Maryland, has hosted a street festival in the fall. This event draws 75,000 people who flock the streets…

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Recycling – Even Bricks Can Be ReUsed

Recycling – Even Bricks Can Be ReUsed

  One of the most innovative ways of recycling materials that have probably been over-looked came in the form of a contractor re-using bricks from a brick wall…

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Recycling 101: Why Not The Landfill?

Recycling 101: Why Not The Landfill?

  The chief alternative to recycling one’s household waste is to throw it in the garbage and let the municipal trash disposal professionals get rid of it. This…

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What If You could Be Paid To Recycle?

What If You could Be Paid To Recycle?

  The idea of getting paid to recycle may sound far fetched and you may think the story will end with, “…and they lived happily ever after.” But…

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Recycling: Visit A Landfill

Recycling: Visit A Landfill

  For 43 years I’ve been someone who never really finished the thought; when I throw something away it goes… I’ve given myself a great gift this year;…

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Recycling Our Closets

Recycling Our Closets

  How many times have you torn through your closet and come up empty, even though you may have thrumbed through 45 outfits? The basic idea in recycling…

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Recycling On Loon Mountain In New Hampshire

Recycling On Loon Mountain In New Hampshire

  Loon Mountain is located in New Hampshire, right in the middle of the state and as a part of the White Mountains. If you know anything about…

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Recycling and Today’s Teens

Recycling and Today’s Teens

  Recycling has been around longer than any of today’s young teens have been alive and maybe that’s why recycling has never been a question for them as…

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Recycling Items Like Computers & TVs

Recycling Items Like Computers & TVs

  With the way technology is out-doing themselves year after year with newer, better, bigger and improved products for computer users, you can just imagine the amount of…

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